Computer Science

Course Objectives

The course is designed to introduce programming concepts using C language to students and to introduce basic data structures and their uses. The aim of this course is to prepare the students to be able to write C programs using suitable data structures to solve real-world problems.

Learning Outcome

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

􀁸 Solve real-life problems of reasonable complexity using suitable and efficient programming constructs in C

􀁸 Understand and apply the concepts of arrays, pointers, structures to implement efficient  algorithms

􀁸 Understand the fundamentals of data structures such as linked lists, stacks, and queues, and be able to implement them in C.

􀁸 Use pointers in C to manipulate memory and pass parameters to functions.

􀁸 Implement sorting and searching algorithms in C

Course image CS501T-OS
Computer Science

A successful student will be able to understand the basic components of a computer operating system, and the interactions among the various components. The course will cover an introduction on the policies for scheduling, deadlocks, memory management, synchronization, system calls, and file systems

Course image 2022- Introduction to Data Structure using C
Computer Science


The objective of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of C programming language and develop the skills for solving problems using computers. After completion of this course, a student will be able to

 Understand and use the process of abstraction using a programming language such as „C‟

 Analyse step by step and develop a program to solve real world problems

 Understand File handling in C and the basics of Graphics programming.

 Understanding and implementing Linear and Nonlinear data structures: Arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs

 Implementation of various sorting and searching methods and their complexity analysis.

Course image MCA-0802: Data Structure and Algorithms-2022
Computer Science

This is a course on Data Structures and Algorithms, Consisting of  4 Units. We study both Linear and Non Linear Data Structures, their structure and implementation. We use C concepts to implement the same 

Details of the Course:

Subject Code: MCA-0802,  Subject Name: Data Structure and Algorithms

No. of Credits: 4, No. of Hours Per Week: 4

Marks Distribution: Internal Exam = 25, End Semester Examination = 75.

Duration of End Semester Examination: Three Hours.

Course image Data Structures using C-Year 2021-FJJ
Computer Science

The objective of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of C programming language and develop the skills for solving problems using computers. The topics covered in the paper will be to: In this part of the paper covered by me, we will see:

  • Linear Linked list: Creation and Related Operations
  • Stacks and Queues: Creations and Related Operations
  • Trees: Creation and Related Operations and various types of trees
  • Graph: Creation and Related Operations
  • Searching and Hashing: Linear and Binary SearchHashing Methods and related issues.  

Course image Wednesday Thursday Saturday LRS digital Logic last unit 5memory and input output2bsc
Computer Science

Wednesday Thursday Saturday LRS digital Logic last unit 5memory and input output2bsc

my Unit is last unit. my topics are 

1. memory 

2. input output

Wednesday Thursday Saturday LRS digital Logic last unit 5memory and input output2bsc

Digital Logic

 last unit 5 

class2nd sem bsc 

memory and input output... 

